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Bird Watching - 7 夜数和旅馆的其他选项
"Bird Watching Programme"
价格 :  有 880.00 €/人
入住的时间 :  8 天/7 夜
转让:  是  - Taxi
VIP:  不是


Havana - Soroa - La Guira National Park - Ciénaga de Zapata Nacional Park (Playa Larga) Havana (8 days | 7 nights)

Day 1: Arrival at José Martí Internacional Airport, Havana. Transfer to your hotel . Check-in. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 2: Breakfast. Transfer to Soroa. Bird watching session in the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve. Return to the hotel. Lunch. Visit to the orchid collection and

waterfall. Second bird watching session. Here exist many beautiful birds such as the Cuban trogon the national bird) (Priotelus temnurus), Cuban green woodpecker

(Xiphidiopicus percussus) Cuban tody (Todus multicolor), Red-egged thrush (Mimocichla plumbea schistacea), and the Cuban solitaire Myadestes Elisabeth Elisabeth)

thrush among others.
Dinner. Evening free.

Day 3: Early breakfast. Departure to la Guira national Park. Bird watching session accompanied by a packed lunch. Return to the hotel. Country style farewell dinner.

Day 4: Early breakfast. Departure to Playa larga in the Ciénaga de Zapata National Park (Biosphere Reserve) on the Zapata peninsula. Stop enroute at the national Botanical

Garden for a guided bird watching tour. Visit the Japanese Garden and have lunch at the Ecorestaurante. Transfer and check-in at Hotel Playa Larga. Afternoon bird watching

session with two options. First: Bermejas area, full of woods and palm trees, a nesting area for different species of woodpeckers. Second: An area of small lakes, ideal

habitat for different species of pigeons. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 5: Early breakfast. Visit to La Salina nature Reserve, an area frequented by different species of water fowl that inhabit the mangrove swamps, coastal lagoons and

woods found here. La Salina is home to 165 migrant and endemic species, including flocks of flamingos, the Cuban parakeet (Aratinga euops) and Sandhill cranes (Grus

Canadensis nesiotes). Box lunch. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Night bird watching session with the possibility of signting the uban Pygmy Owl (glaucidium siju siju). Return

to the hotel.

Day 6: Early breakfast. Visit to santo Tomás wild life refuge, known habitat of three very rare species of birds: the "Ferminia" ( Ferminia cerverai), endemic to this area, the

"Cabrerito de la Ciénaga" (Torrearnis inexpectata), and…wouldn't it be something to add your name to the short list of people who have been privileged to see or hear the

famous "Gallinuela de Santo Tomás" (Cyanolimnas cerverai)! You are also very likely to spot the Bee Hummingbird







  Hyundai Accent
  从 85.00 €/天 
  Hyundai Elantra
  从 100.00 €/天 
  Hyundai Elantra
  从 199.00 €/天 
  Renault Sandero
  从 65.00 €/天 
  Mercedes Benz B 180
  从 144.00 €/天 

 往返机票  Madrid - Ciudad de La Habana 590.00 €
 往返机票  Madrid - Varadero 610.00 €
 往返机票  Caracas - Ciudad de La Habana 390.00 €
 往返机票  Londres - Ciudad de La Habana 699.00 €
 往返机票  Bogotá - Ciudad de La Habana 395.00 €

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